Issue 92
Autumn 2015
Autumn 2015
Front Cover
Joe Harrison and family dog Max in the greenhouse at Temple Farm, near Glasgow, with forced tulips in the month of January, around 1957.
Article: Tomatoes, Tulips and Chrysanths: the Harrisons' Temple Farm in the 1950s and early 1960s.
Paul Bishop and Reid Harrison

Feeing Time: Farm Service in West Central Scotland
A Local Court for Local People: using franchise court records in local history research - an example from Breadalbane
The Govan Rent Strikes of 1915
Trade through the Port of Leith in the Mid-Eigtheenth Century
Tomatoes, Tulips and Chrysanths: the Harrisons' Temple Farm in the 1950s and early 1960s
Thomas Muir: an Australian Perspective
Useful Local History Sources 1: the Inland Revenue Survey of Land Value and Land Ownership, 1910-1915
Each publication also contains Editorial, News Features and Book Reviews